Wednesday, November 26, 2008

wednesday minutiae

a few observations from today which was a very pleasant 29 degrees (for those readers who are into the wacky world of weather)
  • there are some people who will always be racist in their outlook and assumptions and who continue to proselytise their philosophy that Aboriginal affairs is a lost cause, continuing to fund programs for Aboriginal people is throwing good money after bad and that 'they' are beyond help. This is a view directly descended from the old White Australia policy and assimilation and assumes that Aboriginal people are a basket case : this means of course that people who continue to work on Aboriginal policy are naive and soft minded fools. This view was trotted out again today and as always makes my heart heavy and cold.
  • conversely great leaps were made in the preparation for the launch of the Victorian Aboriginal Children's Charter on 10 December (International Human Rights Day)
  • my car now costs a mere $38 to fill with petrol :) not long ago it cost over $60
  • a parcel is waiting for me at the post office (very exciting)
  • billthedog is booked in for a shampoo and set on friday at the hound lounge (see the 'before' photo above)
  • i had 2 homer moments this evening and lifted w out of the car at the service station and then later carried him from the bedroom to the bathroom. consequently i have applied drugs and heat to my back in the hope that more trouble has been averted. i also dragged out my copy of 'treat your own back' (which i always thought a very churlish title) and have been doing some of the emergency putting back in exercises
  • finally, the reason i carried w to the bathroom was to avoid a repeat performance of 5.30 this morning - when small boys go to sleep without the benefit of the bedtime ritual (see last night's post) they are apt to have damp accidents in the bed in the early dawn and drench their poor unsuspecting mothers.....
  • really finally - during the precautious spellcheck the gizmo wanted to turn 'philosophy' into 'flyspeck' . i will leave you with that thought

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