Wednesday, September 01, 2010

pavement treasure

look what i found on the road as i was about to set off for the doctor

- a gift from the universe :) happy spring to all


Ping said...

That looks like a cross between a scourer and a merkin!

lisette said...

!!! i thought it looked like a wolf but love your interpretation :)although i do NOT want a merkin scrubber

lisette said...

ping your comment made me laugh so much i couldn't stop coughing - prompting a demand from w as the source of mirth. then i had to explain to him what a merkin was - luckily my definition of 'a wig for your furry bits' was both satisfactory and amusing :)

btw is it 'merkin' or 'mirkin'?

Unknown said...

I was going to make a comment so about Tasmania, with Flinders and King Islands attached but I think Ping's comment is just perfect.

I've laughted much I've had to wait till my eyes cleared I was crying with laughter!

Ta for the giggle


Hanen said...

Mirkin scourer! Ouch!!

I was thinking it looks like a rat-mouse - one pointy rat-ear, one round mouse-ear.

Ping said...

Ascetic merkin! Gives new meaning to 'hair shirt' ...

[Oxford has 'merkin', and also gives the disturbing alternative definitions of 'artificial vagina' and 'external female genitals.]

lisette said...

that goes beyond bizarre - what have those OUP mavens been smoking??