Monday, September 20, 2010

i can seeee you....

i am now obsessed with the new widget - scroll down down down and you can see where all my visitors come from.this has long puzzled me as i seem to get waaay more visits than comments and from all over the place (hello latvia - you seem to be country of the month according to blogger stats). you're either very shy or lots of people land here by mistake and recoil immediately.
in breaking news, i have just joined chris daly's new art quilt blog - go over and have a look.... another prod from the universe - i hereby publicly vow to set up my website by the end of the year


Chris Daly said...

Sometimes you just have to answer when the universe speaks :)

lisette said...

and say 'yes please' :)

alby said...

I'm often baffled by the number of people that find my blog based on a google search for pageboy haircuts and life-drawing. Those hits just keep coming! I have only 5-7 people regularly leaving me a comment, but about four times that many visitors to each post. Who are those lurkers?! LOL