Saturday, August 07, 2010

new toy

if you go here and feed it some text from your blog, latest essay, shopping list, whatever it does gizmo-type things and tells which famous writer your style most resembles...

after a controlled experiment using a range of blog posts apparently i write like mary shelley, kurt vonnegut and james joyce - how cool is that?

thanks to celia for leading me to this toy :)


Anonymous said...

Hilarious!! Thank you for the fun. I apparently write like Charles Dickens.....but then I did put in the post about the workhouse so it sort of goes!

Crowing Moon said...

Apparently my poem is like Mary Atwood... I got James Joyce too but never heard of either lol

sharon young said...

What fun, I write like Ian Flemming, how exciting.

catsmum said...

Apparently, I write like David Foster Thomas [ four out of six tries, and I've never HEARD of the guy ]Dan Brown and Arthur C. Clarke.

YOU get Mary Shelley. I get Dan Brown

You coming up for WIP Day next weekend ?