Monday, November 01, 2010

craft camp

it's a unofficial long weekend here in melbourne as there is some horse-race or other happening tomorrow (la tasse de melbourne...)

but yesterday there was a gathering of the Tribe at sewjourn and what a wonderful, relaxing, laughing, creative time we had. craft camp actually started on friday and there was a shifting crowd of crafters moving in and out of the studio - suse, janet, kate and yuki formed the core while we part-timers came and went.

we knitted
took photos,and prayed to the felting goddess.i made sure i didn't park in the swamp again - although the scars of the previous bogging are still in evidence.after staying up knitting and chatting and comparing pit fur, we finally went to bed just before 2am. so i looked a bit worse for wear when i woke up. but quickly recoveredi started a new piece this weekend and made a fair bit of progress at sewjourn. the base is an old cotton cot sheet i found at the op shop and i am stitching fragments of silk, cotton, linen and lace gleaned from the stash and ancient garments.

back later to show you my lancefield op shop booty


Janet said...

Yay! It was good wasn't it!

Kaviare said...

Praying indeed. Thankfully, they heeded my prayer. The guage gods, not so much, but you can't have everything.

That is a lovely photo of you in bed (that sounds creepy, sorry!) It looks like an albumn cover.

Suse said...

That photo of Kate is hilarious.

Thanks for being a part of it again. An afternoon, then an overnight, next time a whole weekend I reckon.

catsmum said...

I'm back