Monday, February 02, 2009

last day

today is the last day of my 2 week break. and i was a Bad Selfish Mother and sent w to creche (to his great and loud protestation). e had her first day back at school and a spent his last day of school holiday slumped in front of the tv.

i came home and had a restorative coffee to repair the nerves and started playing with fabric and discharge paste - always a happy combination. i had an idea for a small piece made with some japanese indigo cloth i bought ages ago from tambo. i'm not sure if that worked - it seems to have had a reverse amityville effect - the bleached bits looked fine while they were still warm but the indigo seemed to reassert itself as the cloth cooled. attempt #2 with a thicker layer of paste is drying outside.

i had much better results with a gorgeous piece of hand dyed fabric i bought from dijanne last year. it is so gorgeous that i haven't dared do anything with it until now - just looked at it , smoothed it and put it away again. but when i went to dijanne's place a few weeks ago i saw a line of crows - about a dozen of them, each perched on a fence post and it gave me an idea for a quilt using dijanne's fabric. it is mostly reds, oranges and blacks with some purple - perfect for hellfire.

i decided to have a panel with 3 bleached moons so i cut out the darkest piece of the fabric and hopped into it with the discharge paste. stage 2 will involve printing onto silk (perhaps) and flywire......

while the bleach paste did its thang i made a quick trip to the darebin recycling centre which is co located with the darebin tip and it a great place for rarey finds like this
i have no idea what this is but it called to me - it reminds me of norns (although google image reveals norns to be wyrd women - i alwsy thought they had horns...)

i also found some books that are the same age as me - one volume of a medical encyclopaedia (which included pregnancy, rheumatic fever and this wonderful diagram of the different degree of radiation sickness)
and a guide to visiting london which includes a list of great men's houses :)
then a visit to yarn barn on the way home which yielded these fabbo buttons and some more fibre for felting.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Mmmm - buttons are interesting. I'm on a bit of a button quest at the moment! Love your work.