Monday, February 23, 2009

i miss the bats

Hanging around
Originally uploaded by Hopkinsii

usually at this time of year our evenings are full of bats - chittering in the fig tree, flying in squadrons over the northern suburbs, exploding from said fig tree if you go to put on a late night load of washing, eyebaling you through the kitchen window as you do the washing up.

but not this year. not since that dreadful week of 40+ temperatures when more than 4000 of the yarra bend colony died.

another sad statistic in this horrible summer

(thanks to urbane scrumping for this photo)


The WestCountryBuddha said...

Ah, that's so sad. I love bats. Poor things.

sionwyn said...

oh no, I hadn't heard about that ... poor bats. I miss them too, but only because I've moved & they congregate in the park next to the old place and vast clouds of them swirl around and fly right overhead up there. The crap on the car I can live without, but I do miss them yabbering to each other and that prehistoric flap as the zoom overhead.