much much worse than the continuing illness here - we have had 2 deaths in our extended family - my aunt who was 86 and my sister's best friend's unborn baby who was killed in a car crash 6 weeks before she was due to enter the world and even to write that wrings my heart.
you will understand if the blog is quiet
So very sad .I hope that , with time , the baby's family can find peace .
May 2010 be a good year for us all .
oh my oh my there are no words. I am so sorry x
So very sad, Andrew and I had a cry when we heard this on the news, even sadder now there is a link (shouldhave known there would be one).
You could ask for hearts for her and her family...
A million hugs, xxxx
We all gasped in horror when we heard that news on the radio, and now I am gasping afresh to hear your connection.
So very very sad.
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