Friday, March 20, 2009

oh brave new world that has such bargamonious vegetables in it

another bargamonious trip to psarakos today. we have had a bit of an ad hoc approach to meals lately and i thought it was time to have a bit of forward planning (she said ironically)

so the menu for the next week chez urbane seahorse is as follows;
  • tonight - octopus legs
  • tomorrow - moroccan fish
  • sunday - egyptian aubergine
then through the week the options will be
  • chorizo pilaf
  • spag bog
  • chicken schnitzels
  • chicken orzo
  • takeaway
(note that 'takeaway' becomes the last option rather than the first)

a glossy, tight aubergine cost me $1.50 and the green chilli that will go in the pot with it cost only 12 cents. i didn't think you could buy anything for cents anymore....
before our foray to psarakos w and i had a civilised coffee/hot chocolate at maize which is round the corner in high street. we wanted to go to pippa's but she is open saturday to monday at the moment, having recently had a baby.maize is good but doesn't have the same living room atmosphere as pippa's. i had a latte and w had a hot chocolate and we shared a raspberry friand - good but could have done without the flaked coconut which had an unfortunate tendency to stick in the craw. the coffee btw was excellent and w's hot chocolate looked good and chocolatey.
we also made playdough today - and in this photo you can see my new apron (another bargamonious purchase - this time from dymocks where they were selling them for $19)and my favourite shoes....(also a favourite of the backyard cwa who come and peck at the flowers....)


Suse said...

Most excellent shoes!

sionwyn said...

oh I want those shoes!