Saturday, February 13, 2010

coolio - i am archer hairline

ampersand duck posted the link to this great site.

i am archer hairline - unfortunately not available on blogger - but described thus by a font blogger "Sweet but not saccharine, earnest but not grave, Archer is designed to hit just the right notes of forthrightness, credibility, and charm." and another blogger said it is "the epitome of delicate grace" does that sounds like me?

i was less than plussed when i first saw it but on closer examination i really like the delicate curves and the little curlicues that are not immediately apparent.

i feel good now :) thanks ms duck for brightening my day

1 comment:

M* (Melanie) said...

Thanks for sharing! I'm Architype Van Doesburg. I must say I have never seen archer hairline. It's a stunning font. I'm off to find a free download me thinks!