and few words i'm afraid. but everyone chez seahorse is in various stages of lurgidom ranging from incipient galloping flux to poor w's husky cold/laryngitis/croup. i just feel low level bleurk and in need of a steady diet of sleeping in and reading in bed.
mother's day was quiet and productive here
my kids gave me a thoughtful and heartfelt selection of presents - 14 year old a knows his mother well and gave me some tins found in a junk shop and a jar of sweeties; 12 year old e made me heart shaped brooch with sequins and 4 year old w made me a card (recognise my portrait on the front?) and some rum ballish type things at creche - of course he ate 3 of the 4 balls..... and inside the card after the usual maternal verse syrup came the relaity check of w's comments about his mother "she gives me chippies and ice-cream and she lets me have cooked octopus with chilly (sic), my mum is really good at cooking" the only person in the world to give such a testimonial :)
on the left hand side of the photo above you can see the dress in progress - i bought the fabric and trim at the new tessuti store in flinders lane - gorgeous gorgeous fabric which leads me too...
exhibit b - this wonderful doorstop by flickettysplits - bought at the recent made in thornbury craft market and trying a new career as a pincushion. it is too beautiful to put on the floor. she also made me a lovely cuddly catticus cat who was too shy to have his photo taken just yet (and i forgotted)
exhibit c is the quince cake i made on sunday
and exhibit d - the leaves on the fig tree being slowly leached of colour and moisture - i doubt they'll last the week and then we return to the bare antler branches of winter.
Ha, look at my doorstop doing such a great job as a pincushion! It just shows that it's never too late to change careers. ;-)
Hope you feel better soon, that damn lurgy has hit EVERYONE I know.
Lovely presents ! Nice to know that your youngest has such an adventurous spirit .
Re-reading my comment , I seem to have implied that an adventurous spirit is called for when eating your cooking . Oops ! I was referring to the " chilly ", of course . I'll just depart now ......quietly .
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