Sunday, April 29, 2007

random kimono quilt

one quilt top made of randomly pieced chunks of vintage kimono fabric. the centre panel is the only part of the quilt that i put together carefully - it has my favorite kimono chunk in it - almost looks like gum blossom

i had hoped to show you something a bit further on as i pieced the back from 14 inch strips of scarlet silk today but my batting was a foot too narrow :(

sorry the quilt top isn't ironed and was hastily thrown over the bed to catch a brief moment of sunshine - at the moment the sun is only shining on weekdays here in melbourne :) and yes that is maisy mouse tucked in at the head of the bed - 2 year old W shares our bed and maisy is his constant companion.

Friday, April 20, 2007

comments anyone?

is anyone else in blogger land having problems with comments? my last post remained tight-lipped and wouldn't let anyone leave a comment :(

and it's so encouraging to get comments on your posts - helps to keep the momentum going.

i will post a photo on the weekend of my current wips (and if anyone wishes to mention the legions of other wips that are languishing chez seahorse, they can hush their mouths). i bought a kimono pack from purl's palace in daylesford while i was spending a lovely respite weekend with the sweet and generous susan. the pack of large vintage kimono scraps is now a randomly pieced quilt top so randomly in fact that there is nary a straight seam in the whole thing...

Monday, April 16, 2007

thanks to everyone who sent supportive and encouraging comments and emails - i really appreciate it.

and there is some creative spark still around - here are some of the results of a fabbo weekend with Susan.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

nothing to see

having a bit of a life crisis here chez seahorse so there has been no creativity at all.

hopefully the creative spirit will return soon

until then it's probably best if you move along as there really is nothing to see here