Friday, April 20, 2007

comments anyone?

is anyone else in blogger land having problems with comments? my last post remained tight-lipped and wouldn't let anyone leave a comment :(

and it's so encouraging to get comments on your posts - helps to keep the momentum going.

i will post a photo on the weekend of my current wips (and if anyone wishes to mention the legions of other wips that are languishing chez seahorse, they can hush their mouths). i bought a kimono pack from purl's palace in daylesford while i was spending a lovely respite weekend with the sweet and generous susan. the pack of large vintage kimono scraps is now a randomly pieced quilt top so randomly in fact that there is nary a straight seam in the whole thing...


catsmum said...

bloody blogger :[
I need photos

Emily said...

I am guilty! I have been going through my blogs so quickly the past month that I rarely stop to comment anymore. Plus the fact that I have to sign in every time with a passwork annoys me! But I remember that I was so happy to see you posting a feeling a little creative spark and I should have taken the time to tell you so!

ACey said...

noticed there were no comments on and was bummed as I wanted to say how pleased I was to se you creating again. Love these bits and can't wait to see what you did with the kimono scraps.

SeamRippstress said...

So glad you're back! I couldnt leave comment on your crises post. Kept checking for your return : ) Love your silk paper/angelina pieces!

Susan said...

Welcome back! Comments are nice. My problem with blogger is when I add photos to a post they always go to the top of the page and destroy all the spacing - very frustrating. Love the sound of your creative weekend.