Friday, February 03, 2012

pat on back

i am not the most organised person and find process things rather stressful, so i am giving myself an elephant stamp for getting 2 pieces ready to ship up to Queensland for the Stanthorpe Art Festival. This was acheived with much less stress than usual as Kind Dog was an enormous help in working out how best to hang the pieces for an art festival rather than a quilt show and gave soothing advice about box sizes and couriers.

Desert Triptych
are going off for an all expenses paid trip to regional Queensland until the middle of April and will hopefully find new homes. The Stanthorpe Art Festival opens on Friday 24 February.


Kit Lang said...

Wonderful! and congrats!

Chris Daly said...

Good luck at the show!

Unknown said...

OH Wow they are beautiful, good luck with the show, your work is stunning :)
karen xo

Fenland Textile Studio said...

I love your work. These two pieces are stunning x