Thursday, December 31, 2015

farewell 2015

New Year's Eve again, and traditionally the time to look back and remember the year. 2015 started very well as we were in lovely London and then Rome.
Looking back over the blog there were exhibitions both here and overseas;
 There was a lot of playing with paint
I tried a few new techniques (papermaking, printing and incorporating porcelain slip were highlights);

 I learned a lot from the wonderful Cas Holmes when she came to Australia in the southern winter;
 And I made slow but steady progress on the big Wedding Dress project
 There were trips to the beach, both here
 and in Tasmania
 And we had a generally lovely time.

2016 is looking pretty good already as I have booked into a workshop with the inspiring and knowledgeable Sophie Munns in April and, hopefully, one with the fabbo Velma Bolyard in March.

Happy New Year everyone!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


It is our third third wedding anniversary - three years ago we had our third wedding with W's lovely family in the UK.

*ETA we had three weddings in 2012 - a commitment ceremony with our Australian family, the formal, legal ceremony also in Oz, and a beautiful wedding blessing in the UK with our English family :)

Monday, December 28, 2015

into the lacuna

I love this part of the year - the lovely lacuna between Christmas and New Year. Summer is really picking up speed and everyone, or almost everyone, is on holiday.  A time for lounging around, eating leftovers and reading. I'm greedily reading Philip Pullman's compulsive, many-layered Dark Materials trilogy, so full of archetypes, tropes and echoes of everything I've ever read, or wanted to read.

I have also been doing a little studio work, creating a wrapped bundle
 doing some random stitching 
and practising drawing with my left hand.
And there have been quite a few sunset walks, waiting until the worst heat has gone out of the day.
Hope you're enjoying your lacuna too.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Christmas!

It's a hot Christmas Day here in Australia with the usual brew of bushfires and cyclones in various parts of the country.

Wherever you are in the world have a wonderful day - thanks for reading Textile Seahorse.

Felicity xxx