Monday, August 10, 2015


We are right on the edge of winter, going into spring.  Cold, wet and wintry - perfect for a fish pie
 and soup again for lunch in the park cafe, very sustaining after a three hour meeting.

but the spring flowers are out - the daffodils were competing with the grey sky this week

and jonquils and lilies are in the shops.


Margaret Cooter said...

So lovely to see the spring flowers - it's bulb planting time here "up north", but I'll leave the daffodils to other gardens, and concentrate on things red, pink and white instead of yellow.

Margaret Cooter said...

So lovely to see the spring flowers - it's bulb planting time here "up north", but I'll leave the daffodils to other gardens, and concentrate on things red, pink and white instead of yellow.