Sunday, November 23, 2014

work on show

The smallest sprog's school has an art show for their annual fund-raiser.  I have three artworks in this year's show - all framed and for sale.
Solomon's Gate
53x 49cm (framed) $350

33x27cm (framed) $125

and Stitch Marks
32x27cm (framed) $125

The art show opens next Friday evening and is open all day Saturday - as an added inducement their second hand clothing "stall" (spread over 2 rooms) had Jimmy Choos for $80 last year. And yes, they were in my size and no, I didn't buy them.

1 comment:

Lisa Graham said...

Solomon's Gate is incredible, so much beautiful color, detail and line. I hope you sell all of your pieces.

Greetings from Wichita, Kansas. Found you via Seth Apter's blog.