Friday, October 23, 2009

my creative space

i think for the purposes of my creative space i will have to pretend to live somewhere where it's still thursday. as i work monday to thursday i just can't get to it before what is friday in melbourne :(

this week's creative space is my indispensable notebook - a moleskine A5 (i think) it is lovely to write and sketch in and contains most of my creative ideas. it lives in a rust dyed canvas cover made by the supremely talented but blogless alice springs artist philomena hali. you can also see my pincushion (actually a doorstop but serving a higher purpose) made by also supremely talented flickettysplits, my camera bag (made by me with much cussing - it was a pattern full of acks and pharks). my Mother's recipe for microwave marmalade is in the top right hand corner keeping company with some wax crayons

i have to write regular lists to keep track of where i'm up to and what is still to be done - you can see i have a lot on my to do list (a bit eeky at the moment)

more puzzling is the runic measurement on the right hand page - i have no idea what this relates to although clearly it was important enough at the time to record it for posterity. no doubt it will come to me in a dream - and then i will forget it again.

see more creative spaces here

off to see dirtsong tonight - very excited :)

1 comment:

catsmum said...

okay where was /is this Friday's post ? you've been too quiet this week ? is all okay ?