Friday, June 06, 2008


well you can see the effort of trying to be positive rendered me speechless for over a month..... but i return with exciting news. so exciting that i'm still running around with my undies on my head.


i won the buda contemporary textiles award!!!! i won the mixed media section and the overall award. i still can't quite believe it and haven't recovered from the phone call i got at work yesterday. when the email arrived this evening it started to feel real

i'm not sure if i can post a photo yet but i can tell you that it was/is a burnt quilt made of wool blanketing, a piece of sari pounced on at an op shop, three of my grandmother's doilies recently salvaged along with a cache of other linen from my mother's cellar, a panel of 45 degree squares and a piece of brocade, free motion quilted and then attacked with the trusty blowtorch.

i'm going to castlemaine on sunday to have a look at the exhibition - if you're there and see someone with a wide grin and a pair of knickers on their head - that's me :)


catsmum said...

am I going to have to genuflect when you enter the room on Sunday :]
so so proud of you sweety

Sue said...

Well done - I can't wait to see a picture of your work!

Susan said...

I'm so pleased and quite excited! Cannot wait to see the actual piece. LOL S

Sandra said...

Congratulations! Looking forward to the photo. Sandra

crazyhaberdasher said...

Hi again! It was lovely to meet you Sunday - please forgive me for not congratulating you then ..BUT .....CONGRATULATIONS FOR BOTH AWARDS!! ....cheers, Maz