Wednesday, February 07, 2007

more firsts

this year is really turning out to be the year of playing with techniques.

this afternoon flushed with silk paper success i decided to have a go at bobbin work having bought the most beautiful cone of thin lurex yarn from the yarn barn in coburg (also a good source of wool and silk tops).

it's definitely a bit wonky but i really pleased that it worked. i just need to fiddle with that tension...

i had similar problems with this one (don't look at the back although it does look pretty if you don't know what all those loops actually mean). my first successful quilting with gold thread with minimal thread breakages and concomitant nervous breakdowns. the fabric is a piece i painted a couple of weeks ago and yes it is the ubiquitous pebble quilting, now a firm favorite chez seahorse...

1 comment:

catsmum said...

when the gold thread was giving you grief, did you have a NEW metallic [ or metafil ] needle in the beastie? It sometimes makes a big difference. Mind you, some metallic threads just have minds of their own!!