Sunday, February 12, 2006


last week i made this huswif/sewing kit,
based on the pattern here and using some amy bliss fabric.

doesn't 'huswif' have a great medieaval chaucerian sound to it?

the pincushion has a kitchen steel soap pad inside to keep pins and needles sharp and rustfree (a tip i got from the scquilters' list)and the needlecase has raw silk 'leaves'. i ironed interfacing onto the wrong side of the fabric to stiffen and strengthen it slightly but didn't want the bulk of batting.

i'm also brewing a plan to enter a piece in the Wool Quilt Prize. i could salvage some disastrously felted socks that were beautiful until washed (note to self do NOT use jo sharp dk for socks ever again). entries don't have to be in until july and i quickly sketched an idea this morning so this might be a goer. and of course there's nothing more galvanising than a new project....

in my defence i can't use the sewing machine for a bit as some overenthusiastic weeding has sent me to the physio for my back..... that old slipped disc is at it again and machine sewing is really bad for it.

knitting and hand sewing i can do standing up. once it has calmed down a bit i'm going to do some pilates to try and tame it.

off to brood over some of my felted wools...

1 comment:

Susan said...

this is beautiful