Tuesday, February 28, 2006

5 things i did on the weekend....

kath is asking what 5 things you did on the weekend. here are mine:
  1. Friday night did the supermarket shopping with 8 year old E who has a different view of what we reeeeely need to eat - we stuck to the discipline of the List and only bought a few treats
  2. Saturday morning back to the physio to get the week's kinks ironed out of my back
  3. then to Psarakos market to buy wonderful fruit and veg (including the most beautiful mauve and white patterned baby eggplant, baby red peppers, a bag of apples and fabulous end of summer fruit - nectarines, mangoes, peaches, grapes.... then swung by the fish shop for a smoked trout and a dozen oysters, and the butcher for beef mince and diced blade steak which became spag bol sauce and goulash respectively later in the afternoon
  4. my cousin Peter came for dinner and M made dhal, chicken and beef curries and other lovely things. I made raspberry cake for dessert.
  5. Sunday morning was book group at the Richmond Hill Cafe and Larder where I put away a disgracefully large breakfast of poached eggs, grilled tomatoes, bacon and mushrooms.... and of course we talked about The Book which this time was Jane Eyre. I hadn't read it since I was at uni and had forgotten how wonderful Charlotte Bronte's writing is. Next book Portrait of a Lady...


kath red said...

busy weekend - lots of shopping and glad you tucked some time in there for yourself

Susan said...

Jane Eyre was fab (just as good as when I FIRST read it at 16), as was Richmond Hill Larder. Peter tells me that he is whipping through Portrait of a Lady and loving it. So I should start...