Sunday, December 29, 2013


Saturday was spent quietly in the studio - avoiding the 38 degree heat and making, preparing and planning.
 It was warm enough for me to gesso an entire notebook over the afternoon.
In between gessoing pages I made a card for a sick friend,
 finally finished my contribution to Cas Holmes' project,
 stitched some paper experiments, 
 looked at old maps,
and made an amulet.

The planning included an indigo vat, a new biggish piece, marking out the year ahead and thinking about Portugal.


Anonymous said...

Hi Felicity, happy new year - and especially happy to discover a fellow stitcher in Melbourne... I am also loving that peaceful time over Xmas, and pottering..not getting much done, but pottering,none the less.

Cas Holmes said...

Nice piece look forward to adding it to Tea Flora Talesx