On 5 December 2005 I started textile seahorse in the usual faltering style of the novice blogger. Blogging has been a salvation during the dark times, and a bit of a drag when I couldn't think of anything to say but said it anyway. It has definitely made me a better artist - blogging a project kept me up to the mark in trying to do my best work, experimenting and connecting with so many people across the vast interwebby oceans. There are people I now count as dear friends who found me through my blog. For a while the blog felt like it had run its course and I nearly gave up on it, but everything seems to be working again now and the blogging momentum is back.
So, to celebrate 8 years of wittering I am going to give away a copy of Seth Apter's new book (have I mentioned it before??) The Mixed Media Artist Art Tips, Tricks, Secrets and Dreams From Over 40 Amazing Artists.
Apart from the fact that I'm in it (did I tell you?), the book features the work and techniques of a bunch of mixed media artists and is a really good read. Seth has crammed as much as he possibly could into 143 pages while still making it a beautiful object in itself.
So, leave a comment and there will be a random drawing of the lucky winner next week.
I spend half my life reading blogs, they are so informative,interesting,inspiring-I could go on! Happy blogging and crafting! x Debbie
congratulations! I know what you mean about what I call on again, off again blogging. I love blogging and reading blogs but find I am posting less often.
Would love Seths' book
Wow. Compared to you I am but a complete novice!! Keep on blogging. I know it can be a drag ( for me uploading pesky pics can really tip me over the edge ) but I think you have an appreciative audience!
Now let me think! Where did I hear about that book before???
so proud of you :)
would love a copy of the book so I can say 'my friend did that'
It's amazing to think we're all still going eight years later! Congratulations on the book xx
Congratulations! And pick me! ;)
Lovely post, twinnie - and lovely giveaway, too xxx
How fun! Really love give a ways!
This is my Christmas wish. Pick me!
Always, always, always an inspiration!! Thanks so much for sharing your amazing work with all of us!!
I struggle with blogging.Everytime I go to make a post everything in my mind while I make a project leaves the building.face paw! your work is lush and gorgeous.Thanks for the chance to win :)
susan s
I started mixed media last year and it has become my passion. I am always learning and applying it to my new found love, that is why I would love to win a copy of Seth's new book. Thanks for the chance!
Carmen L
Love your textile work and blogging! Really inspiring and informative. I'm sure Mixed Media is an amazing book...thanks for the chance to receive a copy!
Thanks for the opportunity to win the book
Hmm! Interesting how blogging has made you a better artist. Would like to hear more about that. Thank you for a chance to win Seth's book.
You certainly have a fascinating name for your blog! Seth is a great guy to know. What a thrill to be included in the book. :-)
Congratulations for sticking with it through thick and thin! It's a great accomplishment!
If it weren't for artists' blogs, I wouldn't know about 1/16th of the new products and techniques. There are SO many amazingly talented and creative people out there and this kind of book coming from it makes me know that social media is not just a bunch of gossip!
Congrats for the 8th anniversary of blogging, I totally agree with the fact that in a way it helps to move art work forward... you just need to keep it up. Cheers, Ruth
I luv to work in Mixed Media and it would be super to win this. I need all the help i can get. LOL. x
Hello, this i want to try, hope i win. <3
I also love reading blogs...but have a heck of a time to keep mine up to date...hopefully going to be doing that in the new year! Would just love this book...mixed media has taken over my mind lately?!!!!
Ohh, hope i am the the lucky one, love mix media <3
It would be great to win your book..! Thanks or the chance.
I doubt I could write for 8 days let alone 8 years...congrats, you obviously have a lot to say and are very articulate about it!
I love to blog hop, so many interesting people out there.
It would be great to win this fabulous book. pick me please!
Congratulations! Glad I discovered your blog - due to a post that Seth just posted. You are going on my feedly!
I really enjoyed Seth blogging about the artist who appear in this book. Congratulations on the 8 years, too.
Happy, Happy, Anniversary! You have an awesome blog. I would LOVE to win the book you are offering as a price. I need all the help I can get in Mixed Media. Thank you for the chance!
i cant wait to read this book. and happy anniversary!!! thank you for making this able and for leading me to your blog!!!!
fabulous blog! what amazing eye candy!
this book looks fab! hoping for a chance to win. thanks and congrats on 8 years!
Happy Bloganniversary !! It's a good thing we have inspiration source like you to give readers informations, dreams and a lot of inspiration ! 8 years of blogging ! WOW ! Congratulations too for being in this book ! I would dream to be able to have my hand on :P Thanks for the chance to win !
Congratulations for being such a successful blogger. It must be wonderful to sustain an audience for so long.
As a beginner I would dearly love to win that book
This is awesome! I love Seth ' s work!
How great! Congratulations on 8 years! I would love to win the book!
Nice of you to do this.
Congrats on your years of blogging. I think we are the same. Or very close.
Love this book and would love to have a copy of it!
Congrats on your blog anniversary. Thanks for a chance to win Seth's book. What fun. Should I be the lucky one, please contact me at bkisrael@gmail.com. Thanks so much!
Hi from Aireys Inlet. Lots of textile seahorses riding the waves this blowsy evening.......
"I have seen them riding seaward on the waves
Combing the white hair of the waves blown back
When the wind blows the water white and black."
Xx Fiona
Congrats on 8 years !Thank you for a chance to win Seth's book. I just found your website and its great !
Is there still a chance to enter? I hope so, but in any case, I'm so happy to have found your blog! Also, thank you for the links to other textile artist bloggers.
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