as if to compensate for the recent set of backhanders (see below), the Universe frogmarched me into dymock's last week and put into my hands one of the most inspiring and beautiful books i have ever experienced. i say experienced and not seen or read or looked at because you find yourself immersed in being in this book (not as tautological as that sentence might suggest)
india flint's eco colour botanical dyes for beautiful textiles is franciscan in its simplicity, beauty, feel for nature and practicality. it is almost overwhelming in its almanac of ingredients and techniques. it is tactilely lovely to hold and leaf through even to the cunning book-mark on its cotton tape.
and it is friendly! often when i buy a book or magazine that is full of beautiful things and wondrous techniques i will feel momentarily inspired and then felled by a deep seated feeling of inadequacy - that i am not good or experienced enough to be able to make stuff like that.
but eco colour is written and presented in such a friendly way that you feel that just possibly you too could do this, even as a novice..
i wasn't looking for it, hadn't been yearning for it on amazon but it was just placed in my hands by a friendly providence - go and buy it - you'll feel better :)
(btw i don't know india and there are no kickbacks or free leaves being provided for this evangelical review - i just loved the book)
dear Textile Sea Horse,
the google alert fishing net trawled in your lovely and very kind review this morning. which was indeed a delightful start to my day, togehter with my large bowl of fragrant tea-and-honey.
thank you ever so much, and happy dyeing!
best wishes,
India (of the leaves)
sounds very interesting - I want to use some natural dyes for some sock yarn - will have to discuss with you
I bought this last week - such a glorious concoction - but I haven't blogged about it yet because I just didn't have adequate verbiage for it's magnificentness
I met India last year, workshopped with her last summer, and now finally am able to achieve some of her plethora of techniques. I stumbled in here and have sat quietly ingesting your words, thoughts and lovely spirit. I love the carthatic quilt, I am reconstructing a 'found' quilt and have called it my healing blanket. I am not a quilter per se, but love the parallels in our lives. Nice to meet you.
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