Tuesday, January 22, 2008

watching paint dry.....

m has taken the kids camping for a couple of days so i have a free evening - no tv, playstation or requests for food, i ate a spinsterly dinner at 6.30 slugged down a large gin and tonic and hopped straight into the fabric painting. (i've been fabric painting and not sewing much lately because i hurt my back again - bummer)

i have 3 pieces drying at the moment - 2 pieces of lutradur and a piece of silk all painted with burnt sienna and sprinkled with salt. the silk won't dry until morning but i am hoping the lutradur can be used tonight - the gesso rusting piece (see previous post) was not a resounding success - i think i used the wrong sort of foil or paint or something but there was no rusting evident. luckily i used gold foil so it still looks ok but i'm thinking of machine quilting the lutradur over the top and then blowtorching a bit to see what happens....

i had a bizarre supermarket twilight zone experience tonight - in dire need of dental floss i went to the supermarket and regained consciousness at the checkout holding a mop (yes a mop - a very handsome fire engine red mop, but a mop nevertheless), a packet of dried fruit, sandals for 3yo W, chocolate, batteries and (luckily) dental floss. and in front of me was a rather beautiful 6 foot something man with a beehive of dreadlocks and a luxuriant blond beard wearing a skirt (the man not the beard). his shopping was solely made up of soy products. bizarro.

1 comment:

catsmum said...

you had a couple of days off and didn't head up here? grumblegrumblemuttermutter