Saturday, January 05, 2008

new veg garden

new veg garden view 2
Originally uploaded by textileseahorse

the kids and i worked for a couple of nights this week to turn the old veggie patch into something a bit more chook proof and attractive. a trip to bunnings and some deft posting, nailing and unrolling of wire fence and ta da!

planting hopefully tomorrow when it's not a gazillion degrees.... late tomatoes, zucchini, leeks, onions, pumpkin, marigolds, nasturtiums, basil, parsley et al are planned

the chooks have been most miffed about the denied access - they'll be even miffter when the plants go in

1 comment:

Susan said...

I have vege garden envy! I have some great nastursiums that I can share - 'Empress of India' - purple green leaves and bright red flowers. L S