Sunday, June 16, 2013

marinating the Art

I was noodling around the studio this afternoon and picked a small piece out of the experiments drawer.  Layered silk, gauze and rug canvas that I had smooshed some soluble paper into - I had done a little copper wire stitching and added a couple of split pins and then put it aside.  It still didn't speak to me with any clear purpose but I started stitching and just kept going.
 Here is the result - lines of contour running stitch -
not very remarkable but a ripe candidate for burying in the garden to see what might happen.  It worked for 'Time' last year (see below), so who knows what will happen to this little piece?
It's now out in the back garden, under the passionfruit vine, tucked under a piece of slate being gently rained upon.


Heather said...

This could turn out really well if you can bear to give it long enough for things to happen! I'd want to keep taking a look.

Felicity said...

well, I can lift the slate up to have a peek :)