Saturday, January 28, 2012


the longer the blogging break the harder it is to get back on... where to start? well, dear Reader, since my last post we had cmas celebrations and thenKind Dog and I flew to Europe for the most wonderful holiday.

We spent a few days on the Isle of Wight and met Kind Dog's family - who were just as kind and lovely as he is. The IofW was also notable for the excellent bakewell tart;
a 10th century church starkly and solemnly beautiful,
a blustery visit to the downs,
spectacular views over the english channeland excellent food, music and ipad fun at the spyglass inn.
then we had 2 days in london, spent mostly at the beyond wonderful V&A museum, where KD and i could happily live. we also rode in the front and top of every possible london bus, saw weirdly terrifying assyrian sculptures at the british museum, visited tavistock square and marvelled at the sadly unphotographable leighton house.

then we flew to rome and felt immediately and totally in the right place.
we were extremely and consistently happy:
at the capitoline museum (with extra teeth)in st peter's square
at the coliseumalso notable was our apparent beatification at the coliseum