Saturday, April 17, 2010

southern lands batch #2

well i think i have done it - finished the second half of my southern lands quilts. i might have time to make another couple of smaller pieces but for now this fills the quota of 8 pieces. four are already in europe having been a taster exhibition in cologne. the full show will open in narbonne next month. the details and prices will be on the southern lands website here

three of the pieces you have seen before but this one was finished yesterday - the biggest piece so far and certainly my biggest burnt quilt (haven't measured it yet but it's bigger than the kitchen table so over 5 feet by 4 feet). i had to burn it in sessions so the fumes weren't too bad even though i was wearing a respirator and it was in a well ventilated space.

desert landscape triptych
desert pond

emergence #1

emergence #2


The WestCountryBuddha said...

Wonderful, wonderful stuff! You've done so much and I love them. You must be really pleased to have achieved so much?

M* (Melanie) said...

wow Felicity. Just stunning. I'm speechless.

Sally said...

I adore them all! (but desert pond is my favourite)
BRAVO to you!

Suse said...

My god your quilts blow me away.

(Ha. Word verification is TILATER. Tilater then ;)

lisette said...

thanks everyone :) i'm pretty happy with them and have ideas for lots more!

Neroli Henderson said...

They're brilliant Felicity, I love the two burnt ones best. I love the texture you get.

The touches of blue on the oranges - are they paint or is there a layer of blue fabric there that you can't see much of? The complimentary colour really makes the quilt and they really do look like parts of an australian landscape.

I think you're incredibly brave doing all that work and then burning, I'm worried enough when I do it on tiny pieces or even on items I'm going to add to a bigger quilt!!

Julie said...

Beautiful work Lisette and I particularly like Desert Pond too.

artymess said...

Lovely work .........Lorna

Jorth said...

Felicity, they are INCREDIBLE! Bravo!