Sunday, June 06, 2010

some good news

i have only needed one lot of painkillers today and i didn't them until after lunch :) thanks for all your kind words - i think if i'm careful things should continue to get better and we won't need any further discussions about cortisone injections

it has been another weekend of high on the hog living -
  • friday - dinner out with the kids on the newly returned from europe inlaws at pizza meine liebe (and the less said about that experience the better - the review giving it a big thumbs down is over here)
  • saturday -roast chicken followed by a dessert of my own devising - a combination of lemon syllabub and edinburgh fog which em and i dubbed thornbury fog partly as a tribute to the recent weather...
  • sunday - w and i made triple ginger biscuits this morning
  • and m and i had dinner at the uber wonderful anada in fitzroy tonight (review will shortly appear at our food blog) it was just fabbo
i even did some creative things - i had a go at another envy quilt and am getting closer to the effect that i want. here's a detail
thank for all your concepts of what jealousy looks like - fascinating to see how similar yet varied people's impressions are. i think when i make the final jealousy i will need to make really big, bold marks to try and avoid the slide into decorative.

and i decided to try and rescue an abject failure which had been evolving quite nicely until i decided to cloque it and the red velveteen ran likely crazy and turned the whole thing a blotchy pink. it's now brushed with diluted gesso and sprayed with black quink and we shall see what we shall see.


The WestCountryBuddha said...

Oooooo, I like the way the jealousy quilt has gone. Very different from the last one/sample, but I LOVE the deep dark circles and the rising "flames" of burnt fabric. Love the colours too; the yellowy green is wonderful and with that shot of red is spot on. Excellent jobby.

Stomper Girl said...

That fog was quite amazing, the sun did not come through at all that day!

Glad the back is improving.

I've also had shitty service at Mein Leibe and I'm still cranky about it, more than a year later. I sneered at it as we walked past it on our way to The Estelle on Saturday night, where, thanks to your recommendation, we had a lovely meal and a most enjoyable night.

Susan said...

Love the quilt. Great colours,texture and concepts. Bring on better weather and health!