Monday, September 03, 2007

burnt quilt

here is the small burnt quilt i made yesterday - it's closer to A3 than A4. The base is a piece of old felted jumper with layers of synthetic, ribbon and sequin waste, covered in 2 layers of organza (a deep rose pink and then black) free motion quilted and then attacked zealously with a blowtorch. the photos are a bit blurry i'm afraid as they were taken with my phone and i haven't mastered the focussing bit but they give the general impression

and here is the painted lutradur - i think i will give it a wash of deeper purple with some undertones of black - the plan at the moment is to use the lutradur as a backing although i think it will need something else as well to add body


catsmum said...

I'll repeat my last comment:
freaking fabulous
love it love it love it.
Where'd you get the Lutradur btw??

lisette said...

thank you :)

lutradur comes from the treasure trove of presided over by the wonderful barbara

weirdbunny said...

JUst came over vis Jorth. Your quilt is amazing !!!! So cool ... ~ Julia x

Suse said...

That is amazing and wonderful!

SeamRippstress said...

ditto to Catsmum's comment! Freakin FABulOus! Gotta break out that roll of Lutradur and fire that stuff up! Your colors are flaming!!