Tuesday, April 11, 2006

what i did on my holiday....

first it was like this (thanks to cyclone larry)

then we went to the beach

and M broke his arm while bodysurfing

bad enough to need a plate and 9 screws and 6 days in hospital - an hour's drive away from where we were staying

so not much reading/relaxing/knitting/grooving was done by any of the seahorse family :(

on a happier note the school fete was held last saturday and the school mums' quilt was raffled. to my surprise and delight all of my blocks made it into the final product and didn't look at all bad :) the quilt itself was beautiful - unfortunately it did not make it chez seahorse but was won by A N Other.....


littledevilworks said...

That quilt is amazing!

lisette said...

isn't it great? wish i had won it :(