Sunday, November 12, 2006

November journal quilt

i am participating in the AusNZartquilters' challenge to make 5 A4 sized journal quilts over this year. they will be exhibited as part of the Australian Quilt Convention in February 2007.

I have been so unmethodical about this challenge - other people post regularly about what they have made for a particular month but i seem to do mine in fits and starts. and they are more about techniques than things happening in my life. and they all seem to end up either postcard sized or bigger than A4....... and i'm not good at portrait orientation.... no wonder i'm having trouble :)

the deadline is 15 December to have them completed and posted - which is a bit eeky seeing i haven't got one quilt that's completely finished.

seeing i have conquered my fear of foundation piecing this month i thought i would use a couple of new york beauty blocks for my november qult. i made the blocks tonight and will applique them onto the background which i think might be thai silk. i made very rough tucks across the fabric and sewed up and down in opposite directions to get more texture. the blocks are pinned at approximately A4 "points"

the red and gold block is made from some chinese brocade i bought in a tiny shop in little bourke st and boy does it fray. this block stands for courage and strength and perseverance.

the dark block is made from one tone on tone black fabric (much darker than this picture would suggest) and stands for the times in my life when i have been kneecapped by depression - it stands for melancholy, paralysis of will and bleakness. i plan to quilt it in some way that will reflect the interconnectedness of these states and that you are never in just one corner but moving between one state and the next.

and here's a picture of me looking quizzical about the whole thing - one of the few pictures of me that i like

1 comment:

catsmum said...

Having now seen these in person, i have to point out that the colour is much richer and more saturated in reality :]