Sunday, April 19, 2015

playing with clay

I have been having the most luscious time working out how to incorporate clay into my work. Inspired and encouraged by the lovely and wise Margaret Cooter, I hopped over to the nearby Northcote Pottery to see what sort of clay would be most suitable.
 They were extremely helpful, especially as I don't really want to fire my work, not just yet anyway... And I came away with what was described by the helpful pottery person as 'the Dom Perignon of clay' - Southern Ice porcelain and the paper clay version of same. It feels absolutely luscious - silky, cool, smooth and unctuous. It also makes a most beautiful smooth slurry, although I'm still working out the right consistency for use with textiles.
 I've dipped, smooshed and stroked it on to silk, paper, feathers, bookbinder's mull, mulberry bark and silk paper and it's all most promising.

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