and then i thought about a report by debbie kirkwood i read earlier in the week about people who kill their children as part of a relationship breakdown. and mostly it's revenge by men against their former female partners: it's another aspect of domestic or family violence. and it can happen to anyone - nice middle class people as well as people caught in the despair in poverty or marginalisation.
so i thought about my own experience of having an abusive father and how that has left me with a deep, pervasive, mostly irrational fear of men - all men, with the notable exception of Kind Dog. and i wished that as part of international women's day we could talk about such things more openly and that women and girls might not have to live in fear. because they stay caught, trapped in that fear by the usual formula of silence, denial, minimalisation that is characteristic of abuse.
that's all.
most beautiful - your art and your words xx
It's difficult to put emotion into textiles - well more difficult than say, a painting, but these issues are ones I'm thinking about myself at the moment. The world can be so terrifyingly horrible at times.
I was especially horrified recently to hear about acid attacks on women who for some reason (thought to look at another man in the wrong way, not doing the household chores properly etc) are attacked by paid men or aggrieved family. Acid is thrown in the face to permanently disfigure them and make them unattractive or to punish. There is a local group near to me that is trying to work to overcome such horrors, but that human beings can do such things makes me so angry.
My art (if I can call it that) increasingly demands emotional response of some form, but there are a lot of quilters out there who regard inclusion of unpleasant things as wrong in some way. A difficult one that demands more discussion I think!
A beautiful piece and a worthy topic of discussion.
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