Friday, October 14, 2011

i did it!

 i am doing 3 online courses at the moment - dijanne cevaal's traveller's blanket, arlee barr's frankenstitch and karen ruane's buttons and more - all very different,  all creative and great fun and i'm learning a lot.

i've never been much good at french knots - they were always loopy or flat or didn't work at all. but after carefully watching the video that's part of karen's course i finally cracked it.

look - french knots!


DIAN said...

Lovely to see these here: I am doing that course too. Karen's work is so beautiful.

artymess said...

i love french knots ....x

Unknown said...

Awesome! Your French knots are beautiful! Still trying to master them. I'll learn!

I'm only doing two on-line classes - Doing Siily as well! I'll explain more once I know what is happening!

I'm off to Houston in 2 weeks and I've also got to get ready 5 bits and Bobs to hang with my local fibre group before I leave! EEEEEEK!


Fenland Textile Studio said...

Well done. I only really learnt how to do French Knots when I left home and couldn't ask my mum to do them!!