Saturday, October 08, 2011

frankenstitching away

i'm having enormous fun at the moment - i am making my own version of dijanne cevaal's traveller's blanket with her online class (the dryad piece from an earlier post); plotting my next international quilt challenge piece and just started doing arlee barr's frankenstitch online class.
 arlee does the most amazing work - completely unique. and she does fabulous eco-dyeing too. her frankenstitch class started this week and it's huge fun.

i started my piece this evening and have been stitching away like mad. i think i may have gone a little too far though as the distortion is quite tortuous.
my first attempt at gilding cuttlefish however was not a success. here's a before shot:
no after shots yet - i'll have to be brave tomorrow and take some photos of the sorry mess. i do have gilded fingers and flakes of gold in my hair though, so not all is lost.  and the aluminum mesh gilded beautifully.

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