Thursday, May 27, 2010

a bit broken

things have been a bit curtailed around here because i have done my back again - i put the bins out and did too much computer/sitting stuff last week and bang - my achilles heel of l4/l5 went on strike. so this week i've had daily visits to the physio (my chiropractor who did my back so much good last year seems to have moved to another galaxy) and i'm having an mri next week. so much sooking and very little creativity.....

i do deserve some brownie points and an elephant stamp for finally sewing up the ruffly cardi i made last winter. i knitted the last piece just as the hot weather started so there hasn't been much incentive to sew it up until now - but it's very cosy and rather stylish - photos to come

i have also been doing a little light handstitching - i bought contemporary whitework by tracy franklin and nicola jarvis last year and have long admired the work of karen ruane. she does amazingly densely stitched pieces of great delicacy that i could never aspire to. but i have enjoyed playing with some fine crochet cotton and dupion silk - making clusters of eyelets and bigger cut eyelets. this will be destined for the dyepot at some stage and i'm toying with what will be peeking through the holes.i also did some momigami inspired by ampersand duck's method described here. this time i wrote random words and sentences onto a longish sheet of khadi paper with the vague idea of making some kind of textiley pillow book.and now i'm off to my bed as i had some rather mediaeval traction this morning and i'm still feeling a bit faint and wobbly


Crowing Moon said...

Hope you feel better soon and get back to some creating :)

The WestCountryBuddha said...

Oh Blimey, poor you. Hope you're feeling better soon....the dungeons in Warwick Castle are worth a visit if you would like to know more about mediaeval traction!!

Julie said...

Ouch! I know about the sitting too long at the computer bit. My hips complain if I sit too long. I do hope you soon feel much better Lisette. Take care of yourself.

Stomper Girl said...

I can whole-heartedly recommend Lygon Chiropractic 9381 1991 if you need a new chiro. Hope you feel better soon, a bad back is awful and makes you feel like an old person.

Hanen said...

Ow! Hope your back is feeling better soon. xx