Wednesday, November 30, 2011


a new project


Penny said...

These look interesting, I was in a bit of a daze when I read it and first thought was icons, then I read talismans. What is the idea behind this? I rather like the thought. Might be inclined to stitch some myself if I knew a bit more about it.

Fenland Textile Studio said...

Love the different colours of thread used. Are these as small as they look?

Sheeprustler said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Do they have special somethings wrapped secretly inside them? (Or are they actually mummy fingers!)

ShaunaArt said...

I find these talismans fascinating but sinister in a funny kind of way-are they wrapped foetuses? they seem kind of alien. It says a lot for the quality of the work to stir up such emotions.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog wow!what a fascinating site it was.... cotton yarn and fabrics